Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Marijuana is not commonly grown in all the gardens. It needs years of experience to grow marijuana perfectly. Those who are serious marijuana growers, have got great experience and different techniques to grow it. However, it is really disappointing for the beginners that improper decision can go in vain. In fact, different mistakes occur because of which the grower does not get expected result. The ten common mistakes which are made by the beginners will be mentioned in the following review. You will be surprised that, the mistakes are also found in the works of some experienced marijuana growers.
Top Ten Hydroponic Growing Mistakes
  1. Prepare: Once you start marijuana cultivation, you will find a lot of work to do. You have to know all about the necessities of the plants you are going to grow. The need of water, nutrients, light, CO2, etc.
  2. Fertilizer: Using perfect fertilizer can ensure better outcomes. The beginners do not have much knowledge about fertilizer. Instead of maintaining any hard and fast formula of providing the fertilizers, the grower should use it by knowing the demand of marijuana plants.
  3. Handling Germinating Seeds: The grower have to be very sensitive about the growing seeds. You have to have some patience. At the seeding time, plants need extra care to grow healthy and in a proper manner.
  4. Watering Marijuana Plants: The marijuana plants need proper watering. You have to hold the moisture. However, dripping wet can be severely harmful for the tender plants of marijuana. In case of hydroponics it is harder to monitor watering in marijuana plants.
  5. Start Growing with Seeds: It is really a wise decision to start growing marijuana with seeds. In case of cloning, it will need much more experience to make it perfect. Seeds grown plants are more likely to protect diseases. It will help you to be successful in the first attempt.
  6. Perfect Season: In both the cases, whether it is indoors or outdoors, you should be conscious enough about the timing. Don’t plant the seeds too early or too late.
  7. Don’t over Fertilize: You have to start fertilizing when two spiked leaves appear. Don’t fertilize every time before watering. You can start fertilizing marijuana plants with 25% fertilizer and gradually increase the amount.
  8. Don’t Under Fertilize: In most of the cases, it is seen that the beginners fear to provide enough fertilizer. It leads to the decision to fertilize lesser than the demand.
  9. Bad Environment: Environmental factor is very essential here. The humidity in growing marijuana should be 30 to 70 percent. Depending on the season you have to change the decisions too.
  10. Don’t Disclose the Fact: You know that growing marijuana is now in no go. Therefore, it will be wise to keep the decision and all the action inside you. Even an intimate friend can cause a major problem in this case. So, the beginners have to be confined enough to keep it secret.


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